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Pobierz bieżący numer 2(16)/2019


Katarzyna Błachnio
Planowanie kariery zawodowej – przegląd wybranych form wsparcia

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Celem artykułu jest analiza procesu planowania kariery zawodowej oraz przegląd wybranych form wsparcia. Jest on swoistą próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak świadomie kształtować własną drogę zawodową. Wybierając odpowiednie strategie planowania własnej kariery, trzeba wziąć pod uwagę wiele różnych aspektów. Tworzenie indywidualnej ścieżki rozwoju zawodowego wiąże się z umiejętnościami, zdolnościami, kwalifikacjami, cechami osobowości. Nade wszystko podstawową zasadą planowania rozwoju zawodowego jest znajomość swoich możliwości i ograniczeń, by móc doskonalić się, nadając karierze kierunek. Artykuł zawiera przegląd działań realizowanych w ramach poradnictwa zawodowego, kierowanych zarówno do młodzieży, jak i osób dorosłych.

Słowa kluczowe:

kariera, rozwój, poradnictwo, doradztwo zawodowe

Agnieszka Deja
Działania podopiecznych destabilizujące relacje w rodzinnym domu dziecka

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Artykuł w sposób opisowy przedstawia problematykę znaczenia działań podopiecznych na destabilizację relacji w rodzinnym domu dziecka. Autorka artykułu przedstawia najpierw zmienność relacji w rodzinnych domach dziecka, a następnie prezentuje wyniki badań etnograficznych. Zaprezentowane analizy ukazują zależności pomiędzy działaniami podopiecznych a zaburzeniami relacji z pracownikami i innymi wychowankami rodzinnych domów dziecka. W artykule zostały przedstawione wybrane czynniki zakłócające relacje w rodzinnym domu dziecka, takie jak: agresja i autoagresja, bierność i wycofanie oraz postawa roszczeniowa podopiecznych rodzinnych domów dziecka.

Słowa kluczowe:

działania destabilizujące, relacje społeczne, rodzinny dom dziecka

Natalia Mandecka
Wypalenie rodzicielskie – nowe spojrzenie na przemęczonych rodziców. Przegląd literatury oraz badań

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Treść artykułu jest przeglądem zagranicznych badań, które doprowadziły do opisania i zbadania zjawiska, jakim jest wypalenie rodzicielskie. Przedstawia on historię tego, w jaki sposób rozwinął się ogólny zamysł badań na ten temat; cechy charakterystyczne wypalenia rodzicielskiego oraz jego przyczyny. Artykuł prezentuje również najnowsze badania związane z czynnikami, które mogą wpływać na dane zjawisko. Są to badania zagraniczne, gdyż w Polsce konstrukt wypalenia nie był jak dotąd poruszany, choć jest to ważne zjawisko dla nauk humanistycznych i społecznych.

Słowa kluczowe:

wypalenie, wypalenie rodzicielskie, dystansowanie emocjonalne, poczucie daremności, wychowanie, wyczerpanie fizyczne i psychiczne

Dorota Pufund
„Zrozumieć niepojęte” – specyfika odbioru i przetwarzania bodźców sensorycznych u dzieci ze spektrum autyzmu

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Artykuł przybliża problematykę nietypowego funkcjonowania sensorycznego dzieci ze spektrum autyzmu. Redefinicja autyzmu zawarta w Klasyfikacji zaburzeń psychicznych Amerykańskiego Towarzystwa Psychiatrycznego DSM-5, włączenie do kryteriów diagnostycznych hiper- lub hiporeaktywności, stanowi uzasadnienie przyjęcia sensorycznej perspektywy w procesie wieloprofilowej diagnozy dziecka oraz planowaniu oddziaływań tak edukacyjnych, jak i terapeutycznych. Artykuł stanowi próbę rekonstrukcji teorii integracji sensorycznej według Jean A. Ayres oraz ukazania w jej świetle trudności sensorycznych, z którymi borykają się dzieci ze spektrum autyzmu. W tym celu przybliżono typologię zaburzeń przetwarzania sensorycznego Lucy Jane Miller oraz Winnie Dunn. Specyficzny odbiór wyrażeń zmysłowych zakłóca lub niekiedy uniemożliwia uczestnictwo w życiu przedszkola czy szkoły, utrudnia uczenie się, dlatego tak ważne jest eliminowanie sensorycznych barier oraz kształtowanie przyjaznego sensorycznie środowiska. W artykule zwrócono uwagę na konieczność uwzględnienia sensorycznych potrzeb dzieci ze spektrum autyzmu w procesie organizacji ich kształcenia oraz terapii jako jednego z istotnych czynników warunkujących ich rozwój psychoruchowy i społeczno-emocjonalny. Omówiono także implikacje praktyczne.

Słowa kluczowe:

autystyczne spektrum zaburzeń, zaburzenia przetwarzania sensorycznego

Zuzana Lopatková
Love in parenting, upbringing and education of the infants (Contribution to the history of institutional pre-school education in the 19th century using the example of Trnava town)

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Streszczenie [EN]:

The establishment of pre-primary educational institutions, brought recognition to pre-schools in most countries as the most appropriate place for the preparation of a child for life and school. From the beginning of institutional or private efforts to educate young children in theory and practical subjects, there were efforts to conceive pre-school educational institutions on the principles of holistic development with a deep understanding of the world of children and their psyche, as well as to prepare suitable teachers for these children. The existence of a pre-school in Trnava, demonstrates that this was in place from the start of the 19th century, and especially in activities of teacher Anthony Rehlingen.

Słowa kluczowe:

pre-school education, education, teacher, history, love

Ivan Podmanický
Pedagogical love and prosociality in school education in Slovakia

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Streszczenie [EN]:

Ethical education has more than a twenty-year-long tradition in Slovak education and still evokes discourse both in the professional community and among lay public. Therefore, alongside with practical measuring of efficiency of prosociality, research activity is focused on examination of ethical, philosophical, anthropological, psychological and pedagogical foundations of social relationality with regard to contemporary valid conception of ethical education in school education in Slovakia. Since the notion of prosociality is relatively unknown in the philosophical-educational discourse, the submitted paper offers several ideas on connection between prosocial behaviour and moral-philosophical thinking. At the same time, it briefly discusses the importance of presence of pedagogical love in education while implementing prosociality in contemporary school education in Slovakia.

Słowa kluczowe:

pedagogical love, responsibility, education, ethical education, prosociality

Andrej Rajský
Love as absolute challenge – Also for education

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Streszczenie [EN]:

The other (alter), through the lens of Levinas`s criticism of the same (neutrum), is always a unique other who stands up to any generalisation and homogenisation. According to a heteronomous schedule of ethics by E. Levinas, “face of the other”, presence of their personal Thou in the sphere of life of a moral subject, precedes own being of this subject by their calling for an answer. Uniqueness of interpersonal relationship and appeal of the exterior Thou challenges human to exclusivity and to infinite self-abandonment in favour of the other (challenges to love). This ethical horizon is not possible to be ever reached and closed, it is impossible in fact, too difficult to be accepted as a norm of everyday life, mainly life in a community, society, state. Presence of “the third” (the political) in the sphere of morality is posed as a theoretical problem: What kind of ethics should be designed in a society of many “others” where Thou is inevitably turned to He/She, included in socio-political structures and relationships of justice? Is it possible to talk about some continuum between the relationship to the other and the relationship to a community? The final part of the paper seeks to answer these questions and pedagogical implications of demands of love in moral education are pointed out.

Słowa kluczowe:

E. Levinas, ethics of the other person, philosophy of dialogue, moral education, love

Marek Wiesenganger
Is it possible and necessary to cultivate love? Education to love according to „Summa Theologiae” of Thomas Aquinas

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Streszczenie [EN]:

The author researches the issue of love in Thomas Aquinas´s Summa Theologiae. He researchs the possibility of upbringing for love, and from what point of view this education is needed. The author concludes that the concept of love is quite different in the Summa Theologiae. In the context of Aquinian ethics, virtue points out that friendly love, as a unique phenomenon of human beings, is not necessary and therefore not only permits but also requires it to be developed through education.

Słowa kluczowe:

participation, love, friendly love, education

Yevgen Volodymyrovych Kulyk, Yuriy Kulyk
The problems of humanising technological education

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Streszczenie [EN]:

It is contended that technological education, forming the outlook of the modern-day person should accord to universal human values (the good, love, harmony, aesthetics, etc.). The achievements of scientific and technological advance should be subordinate to these values.
It is argued that humanising the training of technology teachers requires a strategy and the establishment of regular courses in culture for technology teachers. It is suggested that humanising the paradigm of education changes the basic requirements of the dialectical method in revealing the contradictions of the object of study. Key ideas of pedagogy focus on the uniqueness of each student and take into account her/his interests and values. This may require individualising the learning process.
The abovementioned issues can be responded to through a cultural approach to technology teachers’ training. The content of courses should recognise the integrity of the cultural experience of humanity: ethical, religious, philosophical, aesthetic, technical, professional, etc., in addition to the scientific way of knowing the world.
The use of technology in everyday life has greatly increased. There has been a shift of cultural patterns from the realm of mass consciousness and mass behaviour that operate on a natural basis to new patterns characterised by individualisation, analysis, and even consciousness transformation and construction. Therefore, teaching that the technological culture of self-determination is culturally determined must be included in the cultural training of technology teachers.

Słowa kluczowe:

pedagogy, didactics, technological education, humanising, cultural studies

Anna Sarbiewska
Visible Learning and educational policies in New Zealand and Australia
Polski tytuł: Innowacyjna koncepcja kształcenia i idea widocznego uczenia się jako wsparcie polityki edukacyjnej w Nowej Zelandii i Australii (artykuł w jęz. angielskim)

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W artykule przeanalizowano tło teoretyczne zmian, które dokonały się w ciągu dwóch ostatnich dekad w australijskim i nowozelandzkim systemie oświatowym. Zdaniem autorki tworzą je (owe tło) dwa elementy: z jednej strony zmodyfikowane rozumienie działania pedagogicznego, zgodnie z którym nauczycielowi i uczniowi przypadają istotne role w procesie kształcenia, z drugiej natomiast koncepcja widocznego uczenia się (Visible Learning) autorstwa J. Hattiego.
Tekst składa się z czterech punktów. W pierwszym autorka rekonstruuje tradycyjny model szkolnego nauczania i uczenia się. Drugi punkt zawiera wyjaśnienie podstaw innowacyjnego, opartego na dowodach podejścia do kształcenia. W trzecim opisano koncepcję widocznego uczenia się w odniesieniu do głównych determinantów procesu kształcenia. Na zakończenie prześledzono wybrane innowacje z nowozelandzkiego i australijskiego systemu edukacyjnego, które przekonują o skuteczności rozwijanych w nich nowych praktyk edukacyjnych.

Słowa kluczowe:

tradycyjny model kształcenia, nauczanie oparte na dowodach, widoczne uczenie się, kształcenie, system edukacji, Nowa Zelandia, Australia.

Dace Siliņa, Kamila Witerska
How to make a step towards future education. Teaching/learning methods in higher education for the 21st century

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Streszczenie [EN]:

The rapid development of the world requires new improvements in every field of life, and demands new knowledge and skills from each worker. The employers expects a workforce with a new set of skills. Higher education institutions need to change and reshape their current offer and provide a learning process through which people acquire the skills required by employers. In order to ensure such a learning process is successful, it is important to explore the vision of both sides – students and lecturers – and to offer a new, up-to-date innovative training process. It is important to offer up-to-date tools – methods to work within the learning process.
Students expect the training process to be motivating and engaging. Students demand that the learning process will successfully prepare them for the labour market. Lecturers focus on identifying new requirements and ways/methods to change their training process to ensure students’ demands are met.
In this article, we reflect on the research carried out under the “Entrance to future education” project ( The aim of the project was to identify and compile training methods that meet the requirements of the 21st century. As part of the project, we studied how students and trainers assess workshops and lectures in which at least one of the favoured methods was used. The article also reflects on the assessment of training programmes for trainers regarding the learning of new teaching methods.

Słowa kluczowe:

learning methods, learning outcome, creativity, motivation, engagement, training


Katarzyna Błachnio
Career planning – an overview of selected forms of support

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The aim of the article is to analyse the career planning process and review selected forms of support. The key question is – how can one consciously shape one’s own career path? There are many different aspects to consider when choosing the right career planning strategies. Creating an individual path of professional development involves skills, abilities, qualifications and personality traits. The basic principle of planning professional development is to know your abilities and limitations to be able to improve yourself in order to give direction to your career. The article contains an overview of the activities carried out within the framework of vocational guidance addressed to young people and adults.


career, development, guidance counsellor, career counselling

Agnieszka Deja
Actions of foster children destabilising relationships in the family foster home

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The article describes the actions of foster children that destabilise relationships in foster family homes. The article presents the variability of relationships in foster family homes and discusses the results of ethnographic research. The analysis shows dependencies between the activities of foster children, carers and others in foster family homes. The article presents disturbing behaviours in relationships in foster family homes such as: aggression and auto-aggression, passivity and withdrawal, as well as a demanding attitude.

destabilising actions, social relations, family foster homes

Natalia Mandecka
Parental Burnout – a new look at the ‘exhausted parent’ – A review of the literature

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This article is a summary of international studies regarding Parental Burnout syndrome. The article describes the history of the studies and the main characteristics of parental burnout. It considers the predictors of burnout and the factors that lead to the development of the syndrome. The article is based on international studies, as no studies on the topic have been published in Poland.


burnout, parental burnout syndrome, emotional distancing, sense of inefficacy, emotional and physical exhaustion, upbringing

Dorota Pufund
“Understanding the inconceivable” – The reception and processing of sensory stimuli in children with autism spectrum disorder

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The article considers atypical sensory functioning of children with autism spectrum disorder. The redefinition of autism contained in the Classification of Psychiatric Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association DSM-5, including hyper- or hyporeactivity in the diagnostic criteria, justifies the adoption of a sensory perspective in a multi-profile diagnosis and in the planning of educational and therapeutic interventions. The article is an attempt to reconstruct Jean A. Ayres’ theory of sensory integration and to show the sensory difficulties experienced by those on the autistic spectrum. The article outlines the typology of sensory processing disorders advanced by Lucy Jane Miller and Winnie Dunn. For a better understanding of the functioning of the child with autism spectrum disorder it is important to analyse his/her individual sensory profile. The specific reception of sensory expressions disturbs or sometimes prevents the child’s full participation in the life of preschool or school, and handicaps learning. It is important to eliminate sensory barriers and to create a sensory friendly environment. The article emphasises that the sensory needs of children with autism spectrum disorder are an important factor conditioning their psycho-motor and social-emotional development. The article also presents practical implications.


autism spectrum disorder, sensory processing disorder

Zuzana Lopatková
Love in parenting, upbringing and education of the infants (Contribution to the history of institutional pre-school education in the 19th century using the example of Trnava town)

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The establishment of pre-primary educational institutions, brought recognition to pre-schools in most countries as the most appropriate place for the preparation of a child for life and school. From the beginning of institutional or private efforts to educate young children in theory and practical subjects, there were efforts to conceive pre-school educational institutions on the principles of holistic development with a deep understanding of the world of children and their psyche, as well as to prepare suitable teachers for these children. The existence of a pre-school in Trnava, demonstrates that this was in place from the start of the 19th century, and especially in activities of teacher Anthony Rehlingen.

pre-school education, education, teacher, history, love

Ivan Podmanický
Pedagogical love and prosociality in school education in Slovakia

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Ethical education has more than a twenty-year-long tradition in Slovak education and still evokes discourse both in the professional community and among lay public. Therefore, alongside with practical measuring of efficiency of prosociality, research activity is focused on examination of ethical, philosophical, anthropological, psychological and pedagogical foundations of social relationality with regard to contemporary valid conception of ethical education in school education in Slovakia. Since the notion of prosociality is relatively unknown in the philosophical-educational discourse, the submitted paper offers several ideas on connection between prosocial behaviour and moral-philosophical thinking. At the same time, it briefly discusses the importance of presence of pedagogical love in education while implementing prosociality in contemporary school education in Slovakia.

pedagogical love, responsibility, education, ethical education, prosociality

Andrej Rajský
Love as absolute challenge – Also for education

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The other (alter), through the lens of Levinas`s criticism of the same (neutrum), is always a unique other who stands up to any generalisation and homogenisation. According to a heteronomous schedule of ethics by E. Levinas, “face of the other”, presence of their personal Thou in the sphere of life of a moral subject, precedes own being of this subject by their calling for an answer. Uniqueness of interpersonal relationship and appeal of the exterior Thou challenges human to exclusivity and to infinite self-abandonment in favour of the other (challenges to love). This ethical horizon is not possible to be ever reached and closed, it is impossible in fact, too difficult to be accepted as a norm of everyday life, mainly life in a community, society, state. Presence of “the third” (the political) in the sphere of morality is posed as a theoretical problem: What kind of ethics should be designed in a society of many “others” where Thou is inevitably turned to He/She, included in socio-political structures and relationships of justice? Is it possible to talk about some continuum between the relationship to the other and the relationship to a community? The final part of the paper seeks to answer these questions and pedagogical implications of demands of love in moral education are pointed out.

E. Levinas, ethics of the other person, philosophy of dialogue, moral education, love

Marek Wiesenganger
Is it possible and necessary to cultivate love? Education to love according to „Summa Theologiae” of Thomas Aquinas

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The author researches the issue of love in Thomas Aquinas´s Summa Theologiae. He researchs the possibility of upbringing for love, and from what point of view this education is needed. The author concludes that the concept of love is quite different in the Summa Theologiae. In the context of Aquinian ethics, virtue points out that friendly love, as a unique phenomenon of human beings, is not necessary and therefore not only permits but also requires it to be developed through education.

participation, love, friendly love, education

Yevgen Volodymyrovych Kulyk, Yuriy Kulyk
The problems of humanising technological education

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It is contended that technological education, forming the outlook of the modern-day person should accord to universal human values (the good, love, harmony, aesthetics, etc.). The achievements of scientific and technological advance should be subordinate to these values.
It is argued that humanising the training of technology teachers requires a strategy and the establishment of regular courses in culture for technology teachers. It is suggested that humanising the paradigm of education changes the basic requirements of the dialectical method in revealing the contradictions of the object of study. Key ideas of pedagogy focus on the uniqueness of each student and take into account her/his interests and values. This may require individualising the learning process.
The abovementioned issues can be responded to through a cultural approach to technology teachers’ training. The content of courses should recognise the integrity of the cultural experience of humanity: ethical, religious, philosophical, aesthetic, technical, professional, etc., in addition to the scientific way of knowing the world.
The use of technology in everyday life has greatly increased. There has been a shift of cultural patterns from the realm of mass consciousness and mass behaviour that operate on a natural basis to new patterns characterised by individualisation, analysis, and even consciousness transformation and construction. Therefore, teaching that the technological culture of self-determination is culturally determined must be included in the cultural training of technology teachers.

pedagogy, didactics, technological education, humanising, cultural studies

Anna Sarbiewska
Visible Learning and educational policies in New Zealand and Australia

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This article analyses the theoretical background of changes that have taken place over the last two decades in the Australian and New Zealander educational systems. That background has two elements: first, understanding of pedagogical activities performed by the teacher and students in the educational process has been modified, second, Hattie’s concept of Visible Learning has gained a following. The text consists of four sections. The first section presents a reconstruction of the traditional model of perceiving the actions of teaching and learning. In the second section an insight into the foundations of an innovative, evidence-based approach to education is provided. The following section describes the concept of Visible Learning in relation to the main determining factors of education. Finally, the last section describes some of innovations introduced in New Zealand’s and Australia’s educational systems which, it is argued, raise the effectiveness of educational practices there.

traditional education concept, evidence-based teaching, Visible Learning, education, system of education, New Zealand, Australia

Dace Siliņa, Kamila Witerska
How to make a step towards future education. Teaching/learning methods in higher education for the 21st century

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The rapid development of the world requires new improvements in every field of life, and demands new knowledge and skills from each worker. The employers expects a workforce with a new set of skills. Higher education institutions need to change and reshape their current offer and provide a learning process through which people acquire the skills required by employers. In order to ensure such a learning process is successful, it is important to explore the vision of both sides – students and lecturers – and to offer a new, up-to-date innovative training process. It is important to offer up-to-date tools – methods to work within the learning process.
Students expect the training process to be motivating and engaging. Students demand that the learning process will successfully prepare them for the labour market. Lecturers focus on identifying new requirements and ways/methods to change their training process to ensure students’ demands are met.
In this article, we reflect on the research carried out under the “Entrance to future education” project ( The aim of the project was to identify and compile training methods that meet the requirements of the 21st century. As part of the project, we studied how students and trainers assess workshops and lectures in which at least one of the favoured methods was used. The article also reflects on the assessment of training programmes for trainers regarding the learning of new teaching methods.


learning methods, learning outcome, creativity, motivation, engagement, training

Dariusz Stępkowski Recenzja książki: Tomasz Leś, Koncepcje mądrości w filozofii Sokratesa, Platona i Arystotelesa, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2016, 168 ss.

Kamil Lewandowski Zajęcia taneczne z młodzieżą z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną jako forma terapii pedagogicznej